When you have booked, we will arrange for your Move Specialist from Just Move In to contact you to arrange our complimentary moving in service. Your Move Specialist will discuss your requirements and will arrange a range of services to help you settle into your new property including;
Change of address service: When you move home you are obligated to contact your council, sewage and utilities companies to let them know of your new address. Just Move In can take the burden of this administration off your shoulders and make these arrangements for you.
Metre reading service: Our free home setup service will arrange metre readings and make recommendations for better or more cost effective services at your new property.
Broadband and phone connection: Just Move In will help you to identify the best broadband supplier at your new property and make the arrangements for you
Greener energy: Your Move Specialist will search for the best energy provider to suit your needs at your new address with a view to making a saving on your utility bills. Just Move In will make all the arrangements for you.
Savings on your Council Tax : Just Move In will notify the council that you are moving and advice on any discounts available at the time you move home
Water and Sewerage: Your Move Specialist will arrange metre readings and notify your water and sewerage company as you move out of your property and when you move to your new home.
Lifetime membership of Just Move In, worth £290, is free when you move home with Pickfords. You will receive contact from your Move Specialist when you book your move.