Corporate responsibility

As a national business, we recognise that corporate responsibility issues and the way we conduct our business are fundamental to the future of the company, to our employees, to our customers, suppliers and to the wider community.

Our Corporate Responsibility Principles define our approach to those areas and provide guidance for our employees on our values and company commitments.

Our CSR principles include:

Ethical business practice

Pickfords sets high standards of professionalism through the organisation. Our employees are encouraged to conduct business with honesty and integrity. A framework has been created to manage the risk of unethical behaviour so issues can be addressed clearly and concisely.  Our Ethical Business Practice policy includes our Code of Conduct.

Quality and best practice

Customer service which exceeds the expectations of our customers is central to our aspirations and culture. Our Customer Service and Best Practice teams use a combination of a tried and tested seven step-plan and our ISO management systems to evaluate our customers’ experience, identify best practice and implement standards via training, innovation and technology.

Environmental leadership

Developments in regulation and legislation have brought environmental practices into sharp focus for our clients and our company.

The decision to create a unique environmental policy has triggered a company-wide commitment to completely change the way we work to benefit the environment in both our everyday working practices and the services offered to our clients.

Employment practices

We endeavour to treat our employees with respect, encourage diversity and provide a safe and healthy workplace. We encourage our employees to perform to the highest standards and support their development with training and recognise and value their success and contribution.

Community relations

Our business has an impact on the local community and we aim to actively use our resources, skills and knowledge to achieve both social benefits and lasting relationships. This involvement goes beyond simple donations to good causes, Pickfords encourages its employees to interact and take part in the communities that support their local branch.

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