Pickfords relocate RUH Bath to the Dyson Cancer Centre

Royal United Hospitals Bath, Dyson Cancer Centre


The Dyson Cancer Centre at the Royal United Hospitals Bath NHS Foundation Trust (RUH) provides specialised cancer treatment and care, offering advanced medical services and support to patients.


The project required Pickfords to relocate various departments from the existing RUH buildings to the new Dyson Cancer Centre. The relocation, originally scheduled for October 2023 but moved to April 2024, involved coordinating nine departments, whilst maintaining infection control procedures. 


A significant challenge was the strict timeline and ensuring there were no delays to the relocation date. This required flexibility and meticulous planning, particularly when managing the simultaneous relocation of nine departments to the same site. 

Pickfords also had to ensure compliance with the Trust’s infection control procedures throughout the process.

Additionally, avoiding liability disputes due to pre-existing damage in the buildings was crucial. 


Pickfords appointed an experience in-house Project Manager to oversee the project and also arranged staff pre-induction with the Trust’s Estates team to ensure no delays to the relocation dates. This process allowed the staff to familiarise themselves with requirements and protocols of the site, ensuring a smooth and efficient relocation process that adhered to the Trust’s standards and expectations. 

Pickfords deployed DBS vetted staff who followed the Trust’s strict infection control protocols throughout the relocation process. This ensured Pickfords’ staff maintained the necessary hygiene and safety standards to prevent any risk of infection.

To avoid liability issues, Pickfords staff completed a condition report of the locations to identify and document any pre-existing damage before the move took place. 


Pickfords delivered a comprehensive solution for the relocation of nine departments and all associated equipment to the new Dyson Cancer Centre at the RUH.

Through meticulous planning and execution, Pickfords ensured a seamless transition, minimising disruptions to operations. The relocation was completed within the defined deadlines, demonstrating Pickfords’ commitment to efficiency and reliability in providing relocation services.

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